
As economic conditions evolve, lenders of all sizes work to adapt.

While most product vendors are simply looking out for themselves, oblivious to the challenges that lenders face, KeyStone is driven to improving the lot of the wider lender community, working to enhance lender profitability in both old fashioned as well as innovative ways.

The innovations we develop allow fewer people to do more work, and in a manner that is more compliant.

To offer a handful of innovative examples of how we enhance lender profitability:
One user sign-on can allow a user to order any products from any vendor
Once information has been captured for a particular loan, subsequent product orders automatically prefill the forms for the user
Communication with vendors is conducted through KeyStone, not through a flurry of emails that cannot be associated with the order – dramatically streamlining the process for all parties
Duplicate orders are identified for the user to help them contain cost

And then we shouldn’t forget how we help lenders using the old fashioned way: with quality, price, and vendor due diligence.

To offer a handful of old fashioned examples of how we enhance lender profitability…
Our top resellers use the combined buying power of their customers to deliver most favored nation pricing.
We scorecard each vendor by region and loan type with meaningful metrics
We track vendor compliance to the rules of each customer
The cost structure to deliver our advanced capabilities is just a small fraction of the cost structure of our competitors. Our automation services are provided by AWS, one of the lowest cost, highest capacity providers in the industry. Our technology employs a variety of IT architectures that reduce the manpower and timelines required to effect change and or new capabilities.

Our capacity in AWS is virtually unlimited, with disaster recovery support to multiple availability zones, and our security framework that sits on top of the security already provided by AWS is among the best of world-class organizations.

Perhaps most vitally, improvements that enhance lender profitability, as well as, lender customizations are promptly provided at no cost to the lender. As such, demonstrable results are not saddled with the drawback of judicious additional fees.