Tax Products

Transfer Tax Processing, Escrow Tax Reporting, Delinquency Reporting, Tax Payments, And Tax Redemption

There are few reputable providers of tax products, particularly of those that can support a major servicing operation.

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KeyStone roots out integrates with the most effective providers of these services that possess the expertise to support these services nation-wide across the various multi-layered taxing jurisdictions.
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Flood Zone Determinations

KeyStone looks for flood determination providers that are reliably accurate and priced competitively.

While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with the flood determination provider, KeyStone provides a good selection of options and facilitates the contracting necessary to access the services of major flood providers to achieve a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.

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Similar to our other types of providers, Keystone conducts due diligence on appraisal management companies (AMCs) based upon the accumulated rules and guidelines of our lenders. Keystone purposefully looks out for AMCs that are managed by experienced appraisers, comprising their pool of transaction managers, as well as lender relationship managers, who use historical data to rank and assign work to the most competent appraiser for the geographical area and property type.

To qualify as a certified AMC, KeyStone additionally requires dedicated teams of key management, compliance, and legal professionals that stay abreast of all compliance and regulatory guidelines, tracking the legislation pipeline in each jurisdiction and implementing regulatory or GSE requirements safely ahead of deadlines.

While the lender must have a direct vendor relationship with the AMC, KeyStone facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.