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4506-T Products

1040, 1040 plus wages, W-2, 1065, 1120, 1120S (i.e., 1, 2, 3, or 4 years)

The top originators of 4506-T products have collaborated with KeyStone to produce a capability set that maximizes lender profitability using a variety of enhancements that are not offered through any competing integrator, particularly making the exception handling process involved in vendor and IRS rejections easier to address.

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The providers of these products offer an extensive advanced feature set that was designed by KeyStone to improve the lender experience, and which also enhance lender profitability as well as improve compliance and auditability.

While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with the 4506-T provider, KeyStone provides an unquestionably superior selection of options and facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.
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The top originators of 4506-T products have collaborated with KeyStone to produce a capability set that maximizes lender profitability using a variety of enhancements that are not offered through any competing integrator, particularly making the exception handling process involved in vendor and IRS rejections easier to address.

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Insurance Products

While the borrower and lender owns the direct broker relationship with insurance providers, KeyStone works to operate and with providers that specialize in rapidly researching reputable insurance carriers and their costs for the requested coverage within a given state.

Ultimately, this allows the customer the crucial opportunity to make an informed decision.

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REO Services

Real estate owned (REO) stakeholders, typically a lender, or government agency or insurer, require services for managing the properties that they own and preserve their value. KeyStone exists to provide such services.

While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with REO providers, KeyStone provides an outstanding selection of options and facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the property owner.