KeyStone looks for flood determination providers that are reliably accurate and priced competitively.
While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with the flood determination provider, KeyStone provides a good selection of options and facilitates the contracting necessary to access the services of major flood providers to achieve a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.
The providers of these products offer an extensive advanced feature set that was designed by KeyStone to improve the lender experience, and which also enhance lender profitability as well as improve compliance and auditability.
While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with the 4506-T provider, KeyStone provides an unquestionably superior selection of options and facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.