Automated valuation models (AVM), appraiser assisted valuations (AAV), and broker price opinions (BPO)

KeyStone integrates with the leading AVM/AAV/BPO providers, offering an AVM suite that includes: Pass, Pass Prospector, VP4, GeoAVM, IVAL, VeroValue, HVE, and HVC.

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Similar to our other types of providers, KeyStone conducts due diligence on the AVM/AAV/BPO providers based upon the accumulated rules and guidelines of our lenders.

KeyStone looks for AVM/AAV/BPO providers that are reliably accurate and priced competitively.

While the reseller owns the direct vendor relationship with the AVM/AAV/BPO providers, KeyStone provides a good selection of options and facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.
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Tax Products

KeyStone roots out integrates with the most effective providers of these services that possess the expertise to support these services nation-wide across the various multi-layered taxing jurisdictions.

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Credit Reports

On top of this, KeyStone also offers ancillary services that are synergistic with credit related data that either confirms or refutes the accuracy of these other products; an example being a few years of tax returns for a taxpayer that have no credit history prior to those tax years.

KeyStone maintains state-of-the-art security to ensure that information transferred from our credit product providers to lenders is fully insulated from destabilising hacks or wanton breaches of security, while also maintaining the appropriate certifications for both information technology (IT) and business operations (OPS).

While the lender must have a direct vendor relationship with the credit report provider, KeyStone facilitates a low cost service to track orders and fulfillments, including provider scorecards, consolidated reporting and invoice reconciliation for the lender.